2. How is that Vision reflected in your school's School Improvement Plan?
Hudson CFE
At CFES… We seek to establish a climate in which students feel safe and supported. We seek to promote positive behaviors by establishing clear rules and teaching students to display positive character traits (caring, safe, respect, responsible and cooperative). We seek to increase student achievement through the use of remediation, acceleration and differentiation and prepare students for success on the EOGs. We seek to work collaboratively with families, community members, and colleagues to improve student learning.
This vision statement mirrors our school improvement plan closely. Three of our five goals focus on preparing students for the EOGs (math, reading and science). Our other two goals focus on reducing the number of discipline referrals and suspensions and increasing parent involvement. The strategies we have identified in our school improvement plan to address these goals are aligned with this vision.
We would like to see our children become life long learners. We would like to see them become contributing and productive members of society, and to give back to the community. We would like them to be able to meet the demands of the new age; to be technologically aware. We are working to achieve these things by modling our students into 21st century learners, by adding new classrooms and new technology such as the smartboards and touch screen computers, and by showing them the importance of giving back to the community and others. Amanda Weaver, Courtney Burbick, Cynthia Eason, Amy Greenwood, Amy Leister, and Megan Dalton
Student learning is a priority. While maintaining a safe enviroment and an atmosphere of encouragement students can learn to their fullest potential and will develope individual interest and talents. Our school improvement plan focuses on student acheivement as well as a safe school enviroment.
To Hudson: I think it's great what CFE does to involve the families and community in the kids education. If I had a child in that age group I would love for them to be at CFE.
I like the fact PreKRPPS included technology in their vision. I wish I’d thought of that! I agree that it’s vital we help students become technologically literate. We should definitely be preparing our students for success in a technology rich future.
I like Mrs. Lunsford's vision (she must work with a great partner!) in that we have student learning as our priority. That says a lot. It means we use all resources to meet each individual child's needs. That's what we see for our future... life-long learners who ask questions and seek the answers.
Our School Improvement Plan addresses all areas of learning while also allowing us the time for staff development to gain new perspectives on the lives of our ever-changing students.
I like that Hudson mentions the positive behavior and working with families. How can we have life long learners when they stop learning at 3:00? Responsibility must be placed on parents to further what we do in school.
1. Reaching Higher Standards Postive Environment Professional Staff Successful Students ...We are RPPS! :)
2. We use our data resources to meet our higher standards (AIMSWEB, Imagine It!, etc.). We use Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to create a positive environment for students, as well as charms for the students' necklaces. We also use "RAMS Member" awards(Rockin' Awesome Marvelous Staff Member) to show our love and encouragement for other colleagues to support morale here at RPPS. We attend and support Professional Development to increase our knowledge in the education arena. Last, with the use of RtI, we make sure we are meeting students where they are and are moving them up as far as we can take them! Go RAMS!
@Husdon CFE- We also have character traits here at RPP that we focus on each month. The students get opportunities to speak on the character traits by writing their thoughts and reading them aloud to the school on the intercom! We also have monthly guidance sessions based on each trait to increase student awareness of each one.
The CFES staff aims to provide a learning environment in which all students feel safe and cared for. Since our school is a PBS school all staff model appropriate behavior. Mrs. Witkowski even conducts small social groups for students in need. We also reward the positive behaviors and provide replacement behaviors when needed. School rules are clear and a school wide matrix and character trait poster is displayed in each classroom. These posters provide constant visual reminders for the students. We also work very hard to help all students achieve academic success. In order to help all student reach their maximum potential we provide remediation, tutoring, and differentiation for students of all ability levels.
This vision mirrors what is written in our school improvement plan. As Mrs. Hudson said 3 of the goals are aimed toward increasing EOG scores in the areas of reading, math and science. The other goal relate to student discipline and increasing parent involvement.
To PREKRPPS I know very little about the Pre-K programs in our schools and was interested to see what is being done in the Pre-K classroom. I like that 21st century skills are being addressed at such a young age. Introducing technology is also amazing to me. It makes me very excited to know that as the years go on, the students who come to me will be well-versed in technology!
To create a supportive, safe, warm and non threatening environment for students and staff. We attempt to achieve an atmosphere of encouragement where students learn to their fullest potential and we respect their interests, likes and dislikes, their learning styles and talents. We strie to increase student achievement through classcapes, flexible grouping, technlogy, clubs, analyzing data and differentiating. To keep line of communication open, we offer many opportunities for prents to beinvolved and have a communication log for documentation of our communication attempts with families as this will improve student learning.
This vision statement is similar to our school improvement plan Our goals focus on increasing the % of students proficient on the EOGs and on reducing the discipline infractions while increasing parent involvement.
I like what Bogan says about how can we achieve lifelong learners when they stop larning at 3:00 every day.
RPP Philips, Flynn, Eakins, Collins, and Hope 1. R responsible students and teachers A always working together and growing M meeting individual student needs S soaring to new levels
2. As a school, we work together to create a positive learning environment where students feel safe and encouraged. We implement the use of RTI to meet individual student needs. We analyze student data to differentiate instruction. We use PBS to model and reinforce positive behaviors throughout the school.
To Sikes We feel that implementing small groups to work on social skills is a great way not only to model, but teach positive behaviors. Teaching the positive behaviors has a direct impact on learning because students are more likely to focus on their academic studies.
Ann Johnson, Mandy Harrell, Mary Younginer, Donna Redinger, Stephanie Cioffi, Allycen Garner, Ashley Purgeson, Joanne Kingston, Ashley Blake
Chapter 8 1.
Being a primary school it is our goal to build a “rock” solid foundation aligning with Pender County’s motto “of each day each child success.”
Working with our school improvement plan we include this with our reading and math programs, professional and staff development, SIP and data meetings, parent involvement, and safe schools.
We agree with all responses because all Pender County School employees are working towards to the same goal, STUDENT SUCCESS!
The vision we created for Rocky Point Primary is that we are to establish a solid foundation which will consistently meet the needs of each individual child regardless of economic background, race, or culture. The two goals from our SIP that most accurately reflect our vision statement would be globally competitive students and to have safe, healthy, and responsible students.
To SFE Sikes: We like the idea of having small groups to support students and Ms. Harrell, the guidance counselor, sponsors the RAMs club and an anger management group. We believe this helps to modify poor behavior habits and encourage positive behaviors.
We are creating the leaders of our future. In doing this, we are supporting our students academically to be life-long learners that are capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century through cooperation, curiousity, and compassion. We are supporting our students We are engaging parents in our children's learning and offering a safe and healthful environment for the children to be.
This vision is reflected in our SIP both with the emphasis on parent invovlement, the up-grading of technology, and the support of highly qualified teachers and staff.
In response to CFESikes, we like the fact that you started your vision with a safe environment where the students feel cared for - one of the most basic of all human needs and not easily assessed on EOGS!! :)
kh,is to provide the strucg ture of support and teamwork to show unity in all character traits. Believing that what we build in them will show their power of success everyday.
by regular showing appreciation of how your behavior and good nature is appreciated by positive referals and etc.
The vision for our school is: • to hold high academic and social expectations for each student • to maintain an atmosphere where students feel physically safe and emotionally able to express personal fears and concerns • to assist students in verbalizing and internalizing their goals and aspirations and to help them realize each of them
This vision aligns with the school improvement plan in that strategies are in place to improve academic growth and test scores (classroom interventions, computer lab intervention, SST) as well as strategies to decrease behavior and discipline referrals (PBS-postivie referrals, paw prints, counseling groups, etc.).
The vision for our school is: • to hold high academic and social expectations for each student • to maintain an atmosphere where students feel physically safe and emotionally able to express personal fears and concerns • to assist students in verbalizing and internalizing their goals and aspirations and to help them realize each of them
This vision aligns with the school improvement plan in that strategies are in place to improve academic growth and test scores (classroom interventions, computer lab intervention, SST) as well as strategies to decrease behavior and discipline referrals (PBS in the form of positive referrals, paw prints, small social skills groups, etc).
My response is to all those who commented on parent involvement as part of their school's vision. Without the support and involvement of our students' parents, all the hard work we do will never be reinforced or continued.
We are dedicated to the academic and personal success of all, by uniting student, family, staff, and community.
Our vision is incorporated in our school improvement plan, by including academic goals, a parent involvement goal, and a behavior goal. The strategies we implement throughout the school year to reach these school improvement plan goals, also help to make sure the vision of CFES is realized.
At CFES, we strive to provide a safe caring environment in which every student can succeed on their own level. We would hard to provide relevant instruction and to proved global awareness. We do this by providing differentiated instruction, technology, clubs, remediation, and instruction based on the NCSCOS.
The vision statement is outlined in our School Improvement Plan. We have documented all the strategies and programs that we use as a school. We work to incorporate the community into our school environment. We strive to make our students life long learners.
I very much agree with Bogan about how many of our students stop learning at 3:00. I agree that parents need to be more a part of the vision. We are starting to fall behind many other countries because many parents do not place an importance on education.
1. The vision of CFES is for all of our students to be life long learners and to become productive members of society.
2. Our School Improvement plan clearly reflects our vision. We have goals for increasing proficiency in reading and math. We have a goal to decrease discipline referrals. This goes along with becoming part of society. We incorporate Positive Behavior Support and actively teach the children important character traits. We also have a goal to include parents. They should be included in every aspect of making our vision a reality.
PreKRPPS: It is good to know that you all are working as hard as the older grades to help the children become technilogically aware and teach them the value of community.
Our vision here at RPP is to provide a safe and positive learning environment regardless of their cultural or economic background. We expect all our students to achieve their highest potential preparing them for global success.
We reinforce positive behavior, creating a safe environment for our students. The entire staff is involved with providing interventions to address the academic needs of our babies.
We agree with Cioffi that all Pender County school employees are working on ensuring Student Success!
CFES Tanya... My school vision would be: 1)Providing a safe climate 2)Teach the students by targeting their individualized needs. 3)Promote life long learners These are addressed in our school improvement plan.
I believe the Vision for our students is to be one of internal success fostering the desire and abiltity to continue the learning process. To be prepared to meet the challenges in this complex world. Cfe
Our school improvement plan is the basis for our successes. I agree with many posts, not sur what school it was, but the environment paves the way to all other successes and that is what we work hard to achieve. A safe, nuturing, positive atmosphere allows our students the security they need to excel as perscribed in our SIP.
I think what PreKRPPS said about giving back to the community and others is very important. We need to make sure our students know the value of community and service to others.
Our vision is to: *create a safe and inviting community *increase positive student behavior with postive referals. *celebrate student success through award ceremonies, principals lists, honor roll, and AM and AR awards. *help all students to reach proficeincy through differenciation, remediation. *provide more global awareness through technology, clubs, and the multicultural festival. *encourage students to be responsible for their own education by providing them with choices such as clubs. *encourage parent involvement through such activities as Muffins for Mom, Doughnuts for Dad, Goodies for Grandparents, Fall Festival, One Book One School, Science Night, Multicultural Festival, award ceremonies... the list goes on.
Each bullet in this vision can be directly related to our SIT plan, several which focus on student success and a couple that relate to parental involvment. Most everything is directed by the SIT plan which ultimately is about the success of our students.
To: Quad - Bahlmann, Holmes, Mills, Moore, Adams, Payne
I agree with what you said about supporting our students academically to be life-long learners that are capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century through cooperation, curiousity, and compassion, and also about a healthful environment. I feel that we all have the same goals when it comes to the success of our students, no matter what words are used to describe them.
1.RPP Vision: - To develop successful students/citizens,utilizing research-based methods, such as RtI, that will allow us to connect instruction and student needs/abilities; promoting academic, social growth of each child. -To create and maintain a safe and orderly environment for all, which celebrates the diversity of students, faculty and community members. To utilize the PBS model, promoting positive behavior for all students. -To create and maintain effective professional learning communities,where faculty and staff are allowed to come together to help to identify obstacles, create/implement plans of action and to continue their professional learning;increasing staff effectiveness and student achievement. -To create and maintain effective communiction with the educational environment through the use of technology, parent-teacher conferences, parent education nights, community programs/events which promote collaborative efforts among all stakeholders.
2.Our school improvement plan embodies all of these things. As a team we have work our hardest to create a plan that reflects our vision/mission and have met on a monthly basis to ensure this happens. I can't say that it's perfect, but that is why we continue to revisit it to ensure we don't get lazy and represent each entity (staff, students, parents)it is written for.
Wow! We've given some great thought to our schools' visions and have come up with some great ones. To Pre-K group: I love the way you so eloquently wrote your vision. Manytimes, Pre-K may not receive the credit deserved for such hard work. There are those that think that the children only "play" all day. They obviously do not see the necessity in your methods. I enjoy being able to have the opportunity to go in and observe the many facets of Pre-K! :)
To marie@cfes: I believe that many of the visions presented on this blog would mirror our SIP. Like you, we specify % of students that will increase in academic/behavioral areas. I think it's great that we disaggregate data, but we also must remember that we are working with humans, not machines that we've created. Having been on several interview committees for teacher of the year, Principal of the year,etc. there's one question that always pops up.... If you could change one thing in education, what would it be? I'll be that you could guess what the majority's response is can't you? Yes, responses usually have to deal with testing. I've had the opportunity to hear people to say the same thing in several different ways. It all boils down to looking at a child's growth vs. scores.
CFES is a place where we meet students where they are and help them grow and succeed both academically and personally.
Our school improvement plan focuses on 3 academic goals: increase proficiency on the North Carolina reading, math, and 5th grade science EOGs. It also focuses on 2 personal goals: decrease the total number of discipline referrals and suspensions and increase the level of parental involvement.
To CarolynRPP, I agree that student learning IS a priority. Students CAN learn to their fullest potential if they feel they are in a safe environment where there is an atmosphere of encouragement. It is amazing how that will foster their individual talents and interests.
We seek to provide a positive environment in which our students can feel safe and cared for. We maintain an environment where students can learn and discover their individual interests and talents. We model and encourage positive behaviors through our school wide PBS program which I feel is essential to the nurturing environment is our school. We strive to increase student achievement through remediation, acceleration and differentiation to prepare students for success on the EOGs.
This vision statement reflects our SIP in that it focuses on increasing the percentage of students being successful on the ECO's and increasing positive behaviors.
I agree with what Bogan said about learning stopping at 3 pm. Parents have to take responsibility for their children and stop expecting the school to educate and raise their children.
1. A vision for our students would be to provide them with a safe environment, where they are challenged, feel success both academically and behaviorally, and are taught to meet the 21st century technology expectations. 2. Our current plan covers the safe envirnoment, meeting needs of 21st century through technology and improving sucess through positive encoragement both academically and behaviorally.
To Carol I am glad that your school also incoorporates character education, having students that understand what makes a good student into a successful citizen is important!
The vision for our school is to create a safe and supportive learning environment in which our students achieve success and become inspired to see themselves as happy and productive members of society.
This vision is reflected closely in our school improvement plan. Since three of the five goals focus on increasing student proficiency on the EOGs, our staff works diligently to help our students achieve success. The other two goals focus on decreasing the number of discipline referrals and increasing parent involvement. The strategies that are in place for decreasing the number of referrals is designed to make our school a safe place to be and to not let behavior problems hinder our instructional time. The parent involvement goal simply reiterates the fact that we (staff and parents) have to work as a team to help our students be successful.
To the PreK group at RPPS: I really like the vision your group developed. It's exciting to see that the vision that we all have for our students begins the day they set foot in our schools, even at such a young age!
1. We strive to ensure a welcoming atmosphere to all learners and their families, ensure safety and security for a positive learning environment as well as meet the needs of all of our learners. 2. We reflect these goals in our School Improvement Plan by encouraging and recognizing our positive behaviors while decreasing referals for negative behaviors in our students, encouraging family and parental involvement as well as addressing and implementing strategies for remediation.
I really liked the ways in which you stated how we encourage and accept diversity - " which celebrates the diversity of students, faculty and community members." We really do strive to teach our students to become accepting of others which in turn will help them to become better citizens in the future.
1. Our vision here at RPP is to be partners in education working in a 21st century school to produce highly successful students.
2. The vision that is reflected in our school improvement plan is having each classroom more available to technology, using AIMS data to raise the scores of reading and math scores, and have more parent involvement. Some of the things we have done to accomplish our vision is: updating each classroom with a document camera, smart board, and LCD projector. We also use PBS, RtI, AIMS Web scores, and differentiation strategies to support our students. Finally we have had many grade level and school wide opportunities available for parent involvement such as, grade level Parent University nights and the counselor organized a boy’s night and a girl’s night for parents to come and spend time with their children.
To CFE Hardee, It’s great to see that you all put forth such a wonderful effort to not let behavior problems hinder instruction time. I know that each minute of the day is packed with the information students will need to pass the EOG’s.
A vision is to have all students ready to progress to the next level as a productive member of their culture (or subculture).
It is reflected in our school improvement plan by increasing scores in core subjects, not being a behavior problem, and getting the parents involved...
Exactly. We want students to be productive members. As someone once said to me, we need solutions, not problems! Too many people can point out what is wrong, but we need answers to what is going to fix the problems of society, and people who are willing to do that.
#1 A vision statement for CFE: We will create a caring, safe and orderly, positive learning environment for all of our students. We will strive to foster global awareness, while challenging and preparing our students to be lifelong learners. We will strive to involve families, and community resources in the learning process.
#2 The vision for CFE mirrors our school improvement plan because it incorporates academic improvement (such as EOG reading scores), student discipline (safe and orderly environment), and parental involvement.
At CFES, our goal and vision is to provide our students with a safe learning environment, promote positive character traits, and prepare our students for the 21st century. We do so by providing differentiated instruction and remediation, technology opportunities, clubs, flexibility in teaching, and global awareness. We work diligently to provide opportunities for parental involvement and student success.
This vision statement is similar to our school improvement plan because some of the goals focus on EOG proficiency. The other 2 goals focus on increasing parent involvement and reducing the number of discipline referrals.
You're right, Tiffany - it's not all play! Who said learning cannot be FUN!
Our school's vision is to set high standards of academic achievement, behavior, school climate, and community partnership in an effort to make our students globally competitive.
Our vision is reflected in our school's School Improvement Plan because as stated by so many before me.... Three goals directly relate to academic performance, one goal to reduction of discipline referrals, and one to increasing community involvement. These goals were generated based on data collected from a variety of sources. Most impotantly, all staff members are integrated into the success of each goal.
1. The vision at my school is one in which our students have a safe and caring environment. One that has a knowledgable staff and a staff that is always learning so that we can keep the students informed. We have rules set forth that the students are familiar with. We make our students feel positive and most important to "believe" in themselves.
2. This vision reflects our School Improvement plan by always trying to focus on the positive. Thus decresing the number of student referrals, etc.
Carolyn RPP - I loved your statement that you develop individual interest and talents. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our scores that we forget that each student is an individual and each one has some sort of talent to add to our school.
Bender CFE: To provide my students with a variety of learning experiences that will meet the diverse learning styles of all my students. To make sure that each and every day all of my students are staying connected to the content material being taught. To create an environment where students will foster an intrinsic appreciation for the value of education through reading in all content areas. To help students realize their potential and make the connection that through an education they can make their dreams come true. That every child, no matter what their ethnicity, economic background or past academic achievement level, has the capability to be what ever they choose to become.
At Cape Fear, we work to create a place where children feel safe, successful and loved. We provide them with skills, both educationally and socially that will prove to be vital in the greater community. We work to provide students with experiences they may not otherwise have the opportunity to have. We also work to improve relationships between school and home. We provide parents and families with resources they need to better help their children and communicate concerns and victories.
This vision is reflected in our School Improvement Plan. Part of our plan focuses on preparing students for the End of Grade test. By providing students with educational experiences, we are exposing them to different ways for thinking and problem-solving. Also, our plan strives to improve parent communication and school participation. Another goal of our SIP is to reduce behavioral issues, and by teaching students social skills we are providing them with the experience and tools they need to make good decisions.
I really enjoyed reading the post by the RPP PreK group. I think it's wonderful that teachers of such young students are already preparing thier students to become lifelong learners. All students should be exposed to technology and resources that will help them to contribute positively to their society. It's important to provide this exposure as early as possible so it's good to hear it's being done even before kindergarten!
Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to society.
2. How is that Vision reflected in your school's School Improvement Plan? Our School Improvement plan states the necessary tools, materials, and strategies that we are using to give each child a valuable education and make them productive citizens.
Cape Fear Elementary School's vision is to: Achieve academic excellence, while developing to the fullest positive character traits in our students, with the help of parents and our community.
This vision is mirrored in our School Improvement Plan. We have strategies to increase proficiency on EOGs. We have developed strategies to decrease discipline referrals. We strive to communicate regularly with parents of our students, and cultivate community awareness.
The CFES staff tries to give a learning environment in which all students feel safe and cared for. Since our school is a PBS school we reward good behavior in order to decrease negative behavior.Our counselor even conducts small social groups for students in need. We also reward the positive behaviors and provide replacement behaviors when needed. School rules are clear and a school wide matrix and character trait poster is displayed in each classroom. These posters provide constant visual reminders for the students. We also work very hard to help all students achieve academic success. In order to help all student reach their maximum potential we provide remediation, tutoring, and differentiation for students of all ability levels.
Our vision is to: *create a safe and inviting community *increase positive student behavior with postive referals. *celebrate student success through award ceremonies, principals lists, honor roll, and AM and AR awards. *help all students to reach proficeincy through differenciation, remediation. *provide more global awareness through technology, clubs, and the multicultural festival. *encourage students to be responsible for their own education by providing them with choices such as clubs. *encourage parent involvement through such activities as Muffins for Mom, Doughnuts for Dad, Goodies for Grandparents, Fall Festival, One Book One School, Science Night, Multicultural Festival, award ceremonies... the list goes on. Each bullet in this vision can be directly related to our SIT plan, several which focus on student success and a couple that relate to parental involvment. Most everything is directed by the SIT plan which ultimately is about the success of our students.
We seek to establish a climate in which students feel safe and supported.
We seek to promote positive behaviors by establishing clear rules and teaching students to display positive character traits (caring, safe, respect, responsible and cooperative).
We seek to increase student achievement through the use of remediation, acceleration and differentiation and prepare students for success on the EOGs.
We seek to work collaboratively with families, community members, and colleagues to improve student learning.
This vision statement mirrors our school improvement plan closely. Three of our five goals focus on preparing students for the EOGs (math, reading and science). Our other two goals focus on reducing the number of discipline referrals and suspensions and increasing parent involvement. The strategies we have identified in our school improvement plan to address these goals are aligned with this vision.
We would like to see our children become life long learners. We would like to see them become contributing and productive members of society, and to give back to the community. We would like them to be able to meet the demands of the new age; to be technologically aware. We are working to achieve these things by modling our students into 21st century learners, by adding new classrooms and new technology such as the smartboards and touch screen computers, and by showing them the importance of giving back to the community and others.
Amanda Weaver, Courtney Burbick, Cynthia Eason, Amy Greenwood, Amy Leister, and Megan Dalton
Student learning is a priority. While maintaining a safe enviroment and an atmosphere of encouragement students can learn to their fullest potential and will develope individual interest and talents.
Our school improvement plan focuses on student acheivement as well as a safe school enviroment.
To Hudson: I think it's great what CFE does to involve the families and community in the kids education. If I had a child in that age group I would love for them to be at CFE.
I like the fact PreKRPPS included technology in their vision. I wish I’d thought of that! I agree that it’s vital we help students become technologically literate. We should definitely be preparing our students for success in a technology rich future.
I like Mrs. Lunsford's vision (she must work with a great partner!) in that we have student learning as our priority. That says a lot. It means we use all resources to meet each individual child's needs. That's what we see for our future... life-long learners who ask questions and seek the answers.
Our School Improvement Plan addresses all areas of learning while also allowing us the time for staff development to gain new perspectives on the lives of our ever-changing students.
I like that Hudson mentions the positive behavior and working with families. How can we have life long learners when they stop learning at 3:00? Responsibility must be placed on parents to further what we do in school.
Bishop, Brown, Bullard, Caison, Houseman, Howell, Weiss, Witherspoon
1. Reaching Higher Standards
Postive Environment
Professional Staff
Successful Students
...We are RPPS! :)
2. We use our data resources to meet our higher standards (AIMSWEB, Imagine It!, etc.). We use Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to create a positive environment for students, as well as charms for the students' necklaces. We also use "RAMS Member" awards(Rockin' Awesome Marvelous Staff Member) to show our love and encouragement for other colleagues to support morale here at RPPS. We attend and support Professional Development to increase our knowledge in the education arena. Last, with the use of RtI, we make sure we are meeting students where they are and are moving them up as far as we can take them! Go RAMS!
@Husdon CFE- We also have character traits here at RPP that we focus on each month. The students get opportunities to speak on the character traits by writing their thoughts and reading them aloud to the school on the intercom! We also have monthly guidance sessions based on each trait to increase student awareness of each one.
The CFES staff aims to provide a learning environment in which all students feel safe and cared for. Since our school is a PBS school all staff model appropriate behavior. Mrs. Witkowski even conducts small social groups for students in need. We also reward the positive behaviors and provide replacement behaviors when needed. School rules are clear and a school wide matrix and character trait poster is displayed in each classroom. These posters provide constant visual reminders for the students. We also work very hard to help all students achieve academic success. In order to help all student reach their maximum potential we provide remediation, tutoring, and differentiation for students of all ability levels.
This vision mirrors what is written in our school improvement plan. As Mrs. Hudson said 3 of the goals are aimed toward increasing EOG scores in the areas of reading, math and science. The other goal relate to student discipline and increasing parent involvement.
I know very little about the Pre-K programs in our schools and was interested to see what is being done in the Pre-K classroom. I like that 21st century skills are being addressed at such a young age. Introducing technology is also amazing to me. It makes me very excited to know that as the years go on, the students who come to me will be well-versed in technology!
To create a supportive, safe, warm and non threatening environment for students and staff. We attempt to achieve an atmosphere of encouragement where students learn to their fullest potential and we respect their interests, likes and dislikes, their learning styles and talents. We strie to increase student achievement through classcapes, flexible grouping, technlogy, clubs, analyzing data and differentiating. To keep line of communication open, we offer many opportunities for prents to beinvolved and have a communication log for documentation of our communication attempts with families as this will improve student learning.
This vision statement is similar to our school improvement plan Our goals focus on increasing the % of students proficient on the EOGs and on reducing the discipline infractions while increasing parent involvement.
I like what Bogan says about how can we achieve lifelong learners when they stop larning at 3:00 every day.
RPP Philips, Flynn, Eakins, Collins, and Hope
R responsible students and teachers
A always working together and growing
M meeting individual student needs
S soaring to new levels
2. As a school, we work together to create a positive learning environment where students feel safe and encouraged. We implement the use of RTI to meet individual student needs. We analyze student data to differentiate instruction. We use PBS to model and reinforce positive behaviors throughout the school.
RPP Philips, Flynn, Eakins, Collins, and Hope.
To Sikes
We feel that implementing small groups to work on social skills is a great way not only to model, but teach positive behaviors. Teaching the positive behaviors has a direct impact on learning because students are more likely to focus on their academic studies.
Ann Johnson, Mandy Harrell, Mary Younginer, Donna Redinger, Stephanie Cioffi, Allycen Garner, Ashley Purgeson, Joanne Kingston, Ashley Blake
Chapter 8
Being a primary school it is our goal to build a “rock” solid foundation aligning with Pender County’s motto “of each day each child success.”
Working with our school improvement plan we include this with our reading and math programs, professional and staff development, SIP and data meetings, parent involvement, and safe schools.
We agree with all responses because all Pender County School employees are working towards to the same goal, STUDENT SUCCESS!
The vision we created for Rocky Point Primary is that we are to establish a solid foundation which will consistently meet the needs of each individual child regardless of economic background, race, or culture. The two goals from our SIP that most accurately reflect our vision statement would be globally competitive students and to have safe, healthy, and responsible students.
To SFE Sikes:
We like the idea of having small groups to support students and Ms. Harrell, the guidance counselor, sponsors the RAMs club and an anger management group. We believe this helps to modify poor behavior habits and encourage positive behaviors.
We are creating the leaders of our future. In doing this, we are supporting our students academically to be life-long learners that are capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century through cooperation, curiousity, and compassion. We are supporting our students We are engaging parents in our children's learning and offering a safe and healthful environment for the children to be.
This vision is reflected in our SIP both with the emphasis on parent invovlement, the up-grading of technology, and the support of highly qualified teachers and staff.
In response to CFESikes, we like the fact that you started your vision with a safe environment where the students feel cared for - one of the most basic of all human needs and not easily assessed on EOGS!! :)
kh,is to provide the strucg ture of support and teamwork to show unity in all character traits. Believing that what we build in them will show their power of success everyday.
by regular showing appreciation of how your behavior and good nature is appreciated by positive referals and etc.
The vision for our school is:
• to hold high academic and social expectations for each student
• to maintain an atmosphere where students feel physically safe and emotionally able to express personal fears and concerns
• to assist students in verbalizing and internalizing their goals and aspirations and to help them realize each of them
This vision aligns with the school improvement plan in that strategies are in place to improve academic growth and test scores (classroom interventions, computer lab intervention, SST) as well as strategies to decrease behavior and discipline referrals (PBS-postivie referrals, paw prints, counseling groups, etc.).
The vision for our school is:
• to hold high academic and social expectations for each student
• to maintain an atmosphere where students feel physically safe and emotionally able to express personal fears and concerns
• to assist students in verbalizing and internalizing their goals and aspirations and to help them realize each of them
This vision aligns with the school improvement plan in that strategies are in place to improve academic growth and test scores (classroom interventions, computer lab intervention, SST) as well as strategies to decrease behavior and discipline referrals (PBS in the form of positive referrals, paw prints, small social skills groups, etc).
My response is to all those who commented on parent involvement as part of their school's vision. Without the support and involvement of our students' parents, all the hard work we do will never be reinforced or continued.
We are dedicated to the academic and personal success of all, by uniting student, family, staff, and community.
Our vision is incorporated in our school improvement plan, by including academic goals, a parent involvement goal, and a behavior goal. The strategies we implement throughout the school year to reach these school improvement plan goals, also help to make sure the vision of CFES is realized.
Angela Tait CFE
At CFES, we strive to provide a safe caring environment in which every student can succeed on their own level. We would hard to provide relevant instruction and to proved global awareness. We do this by providing differentiated instruction, technology, clubs, remediation, and instruction based on the NCSCOS.
The vision statement is outlined in our School Improvement Plan. We have documented all the strategies and programs that we use as a school. We work to incorporate the community into our school environment. We strive to make our students life long learners.
I very much agree with Bogan about how many of our students stop learning at 3:00. I agree that parents need to be more a part of the vision. We are starting to fall behind many other countries because many parents do not place an importance on education.
1. The vision of CFES is for all of our students to be life long learners and to become productive members of society.
2. Our School Improvement plan clearly reflects our vision. We have goals for increasing proficiency in reading and math. We have a goal to decrease discipline referrals. This goes along with becoming part of society. We incorporate Positive Behavior Support and actively teach the children important character traits. We also have a goal to include parents. They should be included in every aspect of making our vision a reality.
PreKRPPS: It is good to know that you all are working as hard as the older grades to help the children become technilogically aware and teach them the value of community.
Our vision here at RPP is to provide a safe and positive learning environment regardless of their cultural or economic background. We expect all our students to achieve their highest potential preparing them for global success.
We reinforce positive behavior, creating a safe environment for our students. The entire staff is involved with providing interventions to address the academic needs of our babies.
We agree with Cioffi that all Pender County school employees are working on ensuring Student Success!
CFES Tanya...
My school vision would be:
1)Providing a safe climate
2)Teach the students by targeting their individualized needs.
3)Promote life long learners
These are addressed in our school improvement plan.
CFES Tanya...
Linda made a good point about data driving our lessons. I should have put that in my own response.
I believe the Vision for our students is to be one of internal success fostering the desire and abiltity to continue the learning process. To be prepared to meet the challenges in this complex world.
Our school improvement plan is the basis for our successes. I agree with many posts, not sur what school it was, but the environment paves the way to all other successes and that is what we work hard to achieve. A safe, nuturing, positive atmosphere allows our students the security they need to excel as perscribed in our SIP.
I think what PreKRPPS said about giving back to the community and others is very important. We need to make sure our students know the value of community and service to others.
Our vision is to:
*create a safe and inviting community
*increase positive student behavior with postive referals.
*celebrate student success through award ceremonies, principals lists, honor roll, and AM and AR awards.
*help all students to reach proficeincy through differenciation, remediation.
*provide more global awareness through technology, clubs, and the multicultural festival.
*encourage students to be responsible for their own education by providing them with choices such as clubs.
*encourage parent involvement through such activities as Muffins for Mom, Doughnuts for Dad, Goodies for Grandparents, Fall Festival, One Book One School, Science Night, Multicultural Festival, award ceremonies... the list goes on.
Each bullet in this vision can be directly related to our SIT plan, several which focus on student success and a couple that relate to parental involvment. Most everything is directed by the SIT plan which ultimately is about the success of our students.
To: Quad - Bahlmann, Holmes, Mills, Moore, Adams, Payne
I agree with what you said about supporting our students academically to be life-long learners that are capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century through cooperation, curiousity, and compassion, and also about a healthful environment. I feel that we all have the same goals when it comes to the success of our students, no matter what words are used to describe them.
1.RPP Vision:
- To develop successful students/citizens,utilizing research-based methods, such as RtI, that will allow us to connect instruction and student needs/abilities; promoting academic, social growth of each child.
-To create and maintain a safe and orderly environment for all, which celebrates the diversity of students, faculty and community members. To utilize the PBS model, promoting positive behavior for all students.
-To create and maintain effective professional learning communities,where faculty and staff are allowed to come together to help to identify obstacles, create/implement plans of action and to continue their professional learning;increasing staff effectiveness and student achievement.
-To create and maintain effective communiction with the educational environment through the use of technology, parent-teacher conferences, parent education nights, community programs/events which promote collaborative efforts among all stakeholders.
2.Our school improvement plan embodies all of these things. As a team we have work our hardest to create a plan that reflects our vision/mission and have met on a monthly basis to ensure this happens. I can't say that it's perfect, but that is why we continue to revisit it to ensure we don't get lazy and represent each entity (staff, students, parents)it is written for.
Wow! We've given some great thought to our schools' visions and have come up with some great ones.
To Pre-K group:
I love the way you so eloquently wrote your vision. Manytimes, Pre-K may not receive the credit deserved for such hard work. There are those that think that the children only "play" all day. They obviously do not see the necessity in your methods. I enjoy being able to have the opportunity to go in and observe the many facets of Pre-K! :)
To marie@cfes:
I believe that many of the visions presented on this blog would mirror our SIP. Like you, we specify % of students that will increase in academic/behavioral areas. I think it's great that we disaggregate data, but we also must remember that we are working with humans, not machines that we've created. Having been on several interview committees for teacher of the year, Principal of the year,etc. there's one question that always pops up.... If you could change one thing in education, what would it be? I'll be that you could guess what the majority's response is can't you? Yes, responses usually have to deal with testing. I've had the opportunity to hear people to say the same thing in several different ways. It all boils down to looking at a child's growth vs. scores.
CFES is a place where we meet students where they are and help them grow and succeed both academically and personally.
Our school improvement plan focuses on 3 academic goals: increase proficiency on the North Carolina reading, math, and 5th grade science EOGs. It also focuses on 2 personal goals: decrease the total number of discipline referrals and suspensions and increase the level of parental involvement.
To CarolynRPP, I agree that student learning IS a priority. Students CAN learn to their fullest potential if they feel they are in a safe environment where there is an atmosphere of encouragement. It is amazing how that will foster their individual talents and interests.
We seek to provide a positive environment in which our students can feel safe and cared for. We maintain an environment where students can learn and discover their individual interests and talents. We model and encourage positive behaviors through our school wide PBS program which I feel is essential to the nurturing environment is our school. We strive to increase student achievement through remediation, acceleration and differentiation to prepare students for success on the EOGs.
This vision statement reflects our SIP in that it focuses on increasing the percentage of students being successful on the ECO's and increasing positive behaviors.
I agree with what Bogan said about learning stopping at 3 pm. Parents have to take responsibility for their children and stop expecting the school to educate and raise their children.
1. A vision for our students would be to provide them with a safe environment, where they are challenged, feel success both academically and behaviorally, and are taught to meet the 21st century technology expectations.
2. Our current plan covers the safe envirnoment, meeting needs of 21st century through technology and improving sucess through positive encoragement both academically and behaviorally.
To Carol
I am glad that your school also incoorporates character education, having students that understand what makes a good student into a successful citizen is important!
The vision for our school is to create a safe and supportive learning environment in which our students achieve success and become inspired to see themselves as happy and productive members of society.
This vision is reflected closely in our school improvement plan. Since three of the five goals focus on increasing student proficiency on the EOGs, our staff works diligently to help our students achieve success.
The other two goals focus on decreasing the number of discipline referrals and increasing parent involvement. The strategies that are in place for decreasing the number of referrals is designed to make our school a safe place to be and to not let behavior problems hinder our instructional time. The parent involvement goal simply reiterates the fact that we (staff and parents) have to work as a team to help our students be successful.
To the PreK group at RPPS:
I really like the vision your group developed. It's exciting to see that the vision that we all have for our students begins the day they set foot in our schools, even at such a young age!
1. We strive to ensure a welcoming atmosphere to all learners and their families, ensure safety and security for a positive learning environment as well as meet the needs of all of our learners.
2. We reflect these goals in our School Improvement Plan by encouraging and recognizing our positive behaviors while decreasing referals for negative behaviors in our students, encouraging family and parental involvement as well as addressing and implementing strategies for remediation.
To Tiffany Smith - RPP
I really liked the ways in which you stated how we encourage and accept diversity - " which celebrates the diversity of students, faculty and community members." We really do strive to teach our students to become accepting of others which in turn will help them to become better citizens in the future.
1. Our vision here at RPP is to be partners in education working in a 21st century school to produce highly successful students.
2. The vision that is reflected in our school improvement plan is having each classroom more available to technology, using AIMS data to raise the scores of reading and math scores, and have more parent involvement. Some of the things we have done to accomplish our vision is: updating each classroom with a document camera, smart board, and LCD projector. We also use PBS, RtI, AIMS Web scores, and differentiation strategies to support our students. Finally we have had many grade level and school wide opportunities available for parent involvement such as, grade level Parent University nights and the counselor organized a boy’s night and a girl’s night for parents to come and spend time with their children.
To CFE Hardee, It’s great to see that you all put forth such a wonderful effort to not let behavior problems hinder instruction time. I know that each minute of the day is packed with the information students will need to pass the EOG’s.
A vision is to have all students ready to progress to the next level as a productive member of their culture (or subculture).
It is reflected in our school improvement plan by increasing scores in core subjects, not being a behavior problem, and getting the parents involved...
Exactly. We want students to be productive members. As someone once said to me, we need solutions, not problems! Too many people can point out what is wrong, but we need answers to what is going to fix the problems of society, and people who are willing to do that.
A vision statement for CFE: We will create a caring, safe and orderly, positive learning environment for all of our students. We will strive to foster global awareness, while challenging and preparing our students to be lifelong learners. We will strive to involve families, and community resources in the learning process.
#2 The vision for CFE mirrors our school improvement plan because it incorporates academic improvement (such as EOG reading scores), student discipline (safe and orderly environment), and parental involvement.
To L. Eakins@RPP
I really like the way you used the RAMS acrostic to get your thoughts across.
To L. Eakins@RPP
I really like the way you used the RAMS acrostic to get your thoughts across.
At CFES, our goal and vision is to provide our students with a safe learning environment, promote positive character traits, and prepare our students for the 21st century. We do so by providing differentiated instruction and remediation, technology opportunities, clubs, flexibility in teaching, and global awareness. We work diligently to provide opportunities for parental involvement and student success.
This vision statement is similar to our school improvement plan because some of the goals focus on EOG proficiency. The other 2 goals focus on increasing parent involvement and reducing the number of discipline referrals.
You're right, Tiffany - it's not all play! Who said learning cannot be FUN!
Our school's vision is to set high standards of academic achievement, behavior, school climate, and community partnership in an effort to make our students globally competitive.
Our vision is reflected in our school's School Improvement Plan because as stated by so many before me.... Three goals directly relate to academic performance, one goal to reduction of discipline referrals, and one to increasing community involvement. These goals were generated based on data collected from a variety of sources. Most impotantly, all staff members are integrated into the success of each goal.
I also agree with Cioffi. We are in this together and the student's look to us for guidance.
1. The vision at my school is one in which our students have a safe and caring environment. One that has a knowledgable staff and a staff that is always learning so that we can keep the students informed. We have rules set forth that the students are familiar with. We make our students feel positive and most important to "believe" in themselves.
2. This vision reflects our School Improvement plan by always trying to focus on the positive. Thus decresing the number of student referrals, etc.
Carolyn RPP - I loved your statement that you develop individual interest and talents. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our scores that we forget that each student is an individual and each one has some sort of talent to add to our school.
Bender CFE: To provide my students with a variety of learning experiences that will meet the diverse learning styles of all my students. To make sure that each and every day all of my students are staying connected to the content material being taught. To create an environment where students will foster an intrinsic appreciation for the value of education through reading in all content areas. To help students realize their potential and make the connection that through an education they can make their dreams come true. That every child, no matter what their ethnicity, economic background or past academic achievement level, has the capability to be what ever they choose to become.
At Cape Fear, we work to create a place where children feel safe, successful and loved. We provide them with skills, both educationally and socially that will prove to be vital in the greater community. We work to provide students with experiences they may not otherwise have the opportunity to have. We also work to improve relationships between school and home. We provide parents and families with resources they need to better help their children and communicate concerns and victories.
This vision is reflected in our School Improvement Plan. Part of our plan focuses on preparing students for the End of Grade test. By providing students with educational experiences, we are exposing them to different ways for thinking and problem-solving. Also, our plan strives to improve parent communication and school participation. Another goal of our SIP is to reduce behavioral issues, and by teaching students social skills we are providing them with the experience and tools they need to make good decisions.
I really enjoyed reading the post by the RPP PreK group. I think it's wonderful that teachers of such young students are already preparing thier students to become lifelong learners. All students should be exposed to technology and resources that will help them to contribute positively to their society. It's important to provide this exposure as early as possible so it's good to hear it's being done even before kindergarten!
1.Write a clearly stated Vision for your school.
Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to society.
2. How is that Vision reflected in your school's School Improvement Plan?
Our School Improvement plan states the necessary tools, materials, and strategies that we are using to give each child a valuable education and make them productive citizens.
Cape Fear Elementary School's vision is to: Achieve academic excellence, while developing to the fullest positive character traits in our students, with the help of parents and our community.
This vision is mirrored in our School Improvement Plan. We have strategies to increase proficiency on EOGs. We have developed strategies to decrease discipline referrals. We strive to communicate regularly with parents of our students, and cultivate community awareness.
Carolyn at RPP
I agree we need to make learning a priority in our classroom!
The CFES staff tries to give a learning environment in which all students feel safe and cared for. Since our school is a PBS school we reward good behavior in order to decrease negative behavior.Our counselor even conducts small social groups for students in need. We also reward the positive behaviors and provide replacement behaviors when needed. School rules are clear and a school wide matrix and character trait poster is displayed in each classroom. These posters provide constant visual reminders for the students. We also work very hard to help all students achieve academic success. In order to help all student reach their maximum potential we provide remediation, tutoring, and differentiation for students of all ability levels.
Our vision is to: *create a safe and inviting community *increase positive student behavior with postive referals. *celebrate student success through award ceremonies, principals lists, honor roll, and AM and AR awards. *help all students to reach proficeincy through differenciation, remediation. *provide more global awareness through technology, clubs, and the multicultural festival. *encourage students to be responsible for their own education by providing them with choices such as clubs. *encourage parent involvement through such activities as Muffins for Mom, Doughnuts for Dad, Goodies for Grandparents, Fall Festival, One Book One School, Science Night, Multicultural Festival, award ceremonies... the list goes on. Each bullet in this vision can be directly related to our SIT plan, several which focus on student success and a couple that relate to parental involvment. Most everything is directed by the SIT plan which ultimately is about the success of our students.
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