Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 7

1. Express the mission of your school in your own words.

2. What are things that your school is doing that relate to this mission?


RPP Bogan said...

Our mission is simply to make children feel successful. Of course, we say it in a much bigger way with fancy words. But isn't this the mission for all of us? What do we do to make this mission statement come to life? We pray. We pray and we work. We are the beacon of light that these kids see each day and we can set our heads on our pillows each night knowing that we do make a difference.

carolynRPP said...

The mission of our school is to bring every child to success.
To make this happen we work with every child at their level. We do what ever is neccesary for their improvment and success.
Carolyn RPP

CFE Hardee said...

Our mission is to create a positive learning environment that fosters the academic and personal growth of all students and to work collaboratively to prepare them to become responsible, productive citizens in our society.

We set high adademic expectations for our students and then we use all available resources and personnel to help students meet these expectations. For example, we use the Accelerated Math program to reinforce the skills and concepts taught in our math classes and our specialist teachers and support staff members buddy up with a teacher to help them implement this program.
We also set high expectations for behavior and hold students accountable for their actions. Our schoolwide discipline plan and use of a behavior tracking chart enforces our expectations and puts everyone on the same page. As a PBS school, we promote and recognize positive behavior through awarding paw prints, student of the month, and positive referrals.

tiffany_smith said...

Tiffany RPP:
1. The RPP mission to provide a positive, successful educational experience for all students no matter their background or ability. We educate to help students to become ready to become successful, supportive citizens of the society.
2. We work very hard to ensure that students receive a positive experience at RPP. We attempt to teach matching methods with students' needs and abilities. WE implement positive and fun things within the school to keep students engaged, whether it's celebrating individual birthdays, congratulating students who've completed homework during the month, celebrating accomplishments with special events or just allowing students time to spend time with their parents (creating a positive environment/experience)such as "Boys'Night Out" or "Cinderella Ball". We want students to see that school can be fun not just in the "instructional classroom setting". We want to show we care for them as family members because that is what we are.

tiffany_smtih said...

Tiffany @ RPP says
Bogan: I agree completely with your comment of us being a beacon of light for students. Manytimes we are the ONLY beacon to be seen. We always try to explain to those who are not educators what our jobs entail; that of nurse, social worker, guidance counselor, etc. Many people do not understand until they see it for themselves, but when they do... they REALLY get it. Now we just need everyone else to take the same approach whether they are teachers or not.

To CFE Hardee:
We all use the PBS model and I think its always great to hear what other schools are doing. It's helpful also to hear that we aren't the only ones going through many of the behavioral difficulties with students. We learn from each other. I have a friend who's son (now an adult) accused her of "telling" on him when she would tell others of her difficulties with him as a child. She is wise enough to know now that she was doing this to keep herself sane and it gave those in her audience a chance to express some of the same concerns. She didn't feel alone and felt better because of it.

Carol @ CFES said...

Our mission is to create an optimal learning environment for our students that will enable them to grow academically, emotionally, physically, and socially; and to create lifelong learners who will be responsible, productive citizens.

Angela Tait said...

Our mission is to prepare our students for the future. We do this by providing a safe, positive, and caring school environment. One that is free of judgment and works to promote the skills and self esteem to make each child realize their potential.

I honestly can't think of a way that we don't work towards our mission. All of the staff is constantly using all available resources to provide the best education for our students. We provide structure, discipline, and adults that the students can look up to for encouragement and to help them grow as students and people in our society. Many of our students do not have a positive role model at home and everyone at CFE works to provide one for them.

To Tiffany Smith: I love the story of your friend and her son. I truly believe that the best way our students can learn is through the actions of others--good and bad. It is important to talk about these things as they occur so that everyone can understand the choices and consequences that go along with what we do.

Hudson CFE said...

The mission of CFES is to ensure every child learns the academic skills and character traits necessary to successfully continue their education and ultimately become productive workers and citizens.

At CFES we are all focused on doing what will help our students succeed. Remediation, acceleration and differentiation are ways we help students learn the academic skills they need. Modeling positive behavior, PBS character traits, and clear, consistent consequences and rewards are ways we help students learn good character traits. Together, these academic skills and positive character traits will help our students succeed in school and in life.

Carol @CFES said...

In regard to enabling our students to grow academically, we all use the Subject Area Standards that are mapped out in the NCSCOS. We identify the key learning outcomes for the subject areas we teach; then we make long and short range plans that encompass all of the key learning outcomes. We use ongoing remediation strategies for our struggling students, and use differentiation to meet the individual needs of all of our students.
Additionally, we use research-based strategies, and ensure that our EC students receive core instruction using the mainstream curriculum via the Inclusion model. We have high expectations for all students, (including our EC students), and we align our assessments with the curriculum standards.

We recognize student accomplishments in many ways at our school. Students are recognized at our Awards' Assemblies (held each nine weeks),
by having their AR pawprints displayed (on the AR Wall at the front of the school) with their names written on them, by having their names read over the intercom by the principal or assistant principal, and by receiving positive referrals for demonstrating the CFE character traits.

Carol @CFES said...

RPP Bogan
I love what you said about being a beacon of light for the kids. We are often the only ones who support them and give them hope.

janet ensign said...

K. Team- RPP, Teachers and Assistants/

Our mission as teachers is to ensure that each child learn to the best of their ability and to succeed to their greatest potential. It's important to use all our best strageties, good humor, and creative efforts for these young ones come to us with very different needs, expreiences, and learning styles. By realizng that we are starting them down the road to becoming productive life long learners and that yes, childhood is and should be a wonderful journey, we can consistently put forth our best effort to ensure success. By addressing learning modalities,modeling creativity and flexibility, starting where the child is, and engaging the parents in this most important work, we can start to ensure that our students are forging down the path towards responsibility and becoming lifelong learners.

We love what Tait (CFE) said; We prepare our students for the future. Thing change so rapidily in technology, business practices, education, medicine, etc.,etc. we can only teach employing our best most current research driven practices and use the lastest technologhy we have access to. We can model flexibility and creativity,being responsible and practicing the golden rule and encourage and foster these characteristics to "prepare our student for the future"- one that we can't even imagine but one that we are laying the grounwork for every day that we teach, consistenly giving our joyful "all".

cain@cfes said...

1. Our mission is to provide our students a safe and inviting place, and an education that prepares them for the future.

2 We do this for them out of our committment to education. We all strive to give them the best we have. We collaborate and plan activities that get them motivated and interested in discovery. Motivating them is hard with all of the outside vices aiming against them. We are building the future!!

cain@cfes said...

To RPP Bogan,
Seeing that we are making a difference also helps us sleep at night. When a student comes in after having a horrible weekend, we are the lights they are looking for. It feels so good in the morning seeing their faces light up when they see you standing there waiting for them. The special hello, good morning brings a light to their faces and lightens my heart! Sleep well for a good job done!!

Anonymous said...

#1 Our mission at CFE is to create a positive learning environment where students are successful and encouraged. We do this by creating a warm, inviting environment that challenges students and emphasizes positive character traits to create life-long learners.
#2 We encourage students by recognizing them in our positive referral program, student of the month, award ceremonies, and general support and encouragement from the staff. We help students be successful by adhering to the state standards as well as striving to provide the best educational opportunities possible for them.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you included parents in what your school is doing related to the mission statement. They are such an important component in the children' education.

CFE Hardee said...

To Tiffany at RPP
I like what you said about making school a positive experience for students and their families. On some days and in many cases, we may be the only ones that provide a positive experience for our students and they need to know that we care and that we are there for them.

M Insco at CFES said...

Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming educational environment that encourages growth of every student.

I believe we achieve this by offering each child the opportunities to achieve their very best and meet goals that we have helped them to set. By teaching responsibility and accountability while showing each child that we care and believe in them and what they can accomplish.

M Insco at CFES said...

In reply to Bogan at RPP

What you said about being a beacon in some of these children each day really impacts the way I feel about some of my students, many of which have gone on to higher grades and come back. We really do impact these students lives and in what I have seen a very positive way. If we can hold on to that and try our best to show them that we do care and they can be successful, I think that beacon will continue to burn on and on.

RPP Bogan said...

This is kind of in response to all of us. We are the light in these children's lives. And the fact that we can see that, well it speaks volumes. Not because we know this, but because we don't walk around saying, "We are doing blah blah and look at this and look at that and look at our pay!" We are a light, but these children have so many lights yet to see! We are the ones who help open their eyes to being more. We open the eyes of future teachers, doctors and police officers. Mothers, fathers and best friends. People who can resolve conflicts and make the right choice because that's important. And guess what? It has nothing at all to do with free and reduced lunch! We are the light because that's who we are... TEACHERS!

CFESKane said...

At Cape Fear Elementary, we strive to provide a positive learning environment from which our students will emerge successful and contribute positively in society.

We set goals and expectations for our students and we are consistent with our Positive Behavior System. We encourage our students to be the best that they can and we challenge them when they don't want to push themselves. We let them know we believe in each and every student. We are a team and are constantly working together to achieve our mission.

CFESKane said...

To carolynRPP
I have to agree with your statement about doing whatever is necessary for the success of our students. We all work extremely hard to ensure we meet all of our students needs.

PreKRPPS said...

Out mission statement is to make each of our students into productive and contributing memebers of society. We are trying to teach them to be responsible for their actions, respectful and caring, conscious of others and the environment, and to become 21st century learners. This is being achieved by doing things like boys night out, cinderella ball, recycling programs, raising 100 for Haiti, Rams tokens, Student of the Week, 2nd Steps and updating the technology in all classrooms. Amanda Weaver, Courtney Burbick, Cynthia Eason, Amy Greenwood, Megan Dalton, Amy Leister

carolynRPP said...

To Hardee: I agree that high expectations for behavior and academics is important. Using positive reenforcements is a better way to go. We focus on the positive here at RPP also.

Christy Sikes said...

At CFES, our mission is work together with the students, families, each other and the community to ensure that each student can be successful. We do so by providing a caring and nuturing environment in which expectations are high and students are encouraged to take risks.

I think our school does an excellent job applying our mission. We expect that our children will succeed, and provide a little extra help when children are struggling. Each staff member acts as a wonderful resource to our children and will do anything they can to help our students be successful. We also use the PBS model for behavior. This helps students feel comfortable in our classrooms and more willing to take risks not knowing if they will succeed the first time. It is important that each student feels important, and knows that s/he is worthy of our time and effort. We also do a fabulous job with differentiation. ELL and EC classes are taught through inclusion. Lesson are being taught in many different ways to meet the multiple intelligences. We are meeting the students "where they are" and growing from there. We are responsible for preparing each student for the future!

To Tiffany Smith

I loved how you mentioned making school a postive environment for students and families. Sometimes we forget what a "big" part families play in the jobs we do each day. They are trusting us with their children, and trusting that we are preparing them for the future. It is important they know we really do care about their childen! School is such a major part of a child's is their job, and parents want to be a part of it1

Hudson CFE said...

I like what carolynRPP said about RPP's mission - to bring every child to success. That's what we strive for also...helping each child succeed - meeting them where they are and doing whatever is necessary to ensure their success.

Greenoe - CFES said...

Our mission is to make sure each and every child learns, grows, and succeeds.

We work hard at CFES to make sure we succeed in our mission. We do this through the use of many and varied programs and approaches, such as AR, AM, DI, small group instruction, differentiation, remediation, CARE Team, PBS, etc. We also work with the community to provide support for students with programs, such as GREAT and I Am Special.

CFE Lee said...

The mission for our school is to absolutely no exceptions to the best of our ability work with every student. Help them be all they can be. Our school is collaborating with every student, parent, staff, and all community members that are willing to be involved.
By conferencing, remediation, maintaining behavior, trying new math and reading programs and many other way to make this happen.

Unknown said...

Bishop, Brown, Bullard, Caison, Houseman, Howell, Weiss, Witherspoon

1. At RPPS, we are working to ensure that all children reach their invididual potential regardless of socio-economic, racial, emotional, social, physical or ethnic background.

2. Every day, we have instruction with our school-wide RtI (w/ research-based interventions), we progress monitor (or assess) every Friday or every other Friday [based on individual needs/goals], AIMSWEB benchmark every trimester, meet together with our data to see how we can meet the needs of students, etc.

In Response to Sikes:
We completely agree with your mission statement. At RPPS, with a grant our guidance counselor applied for, we provided a "Boys Night Out" and "Cinderella Ball" for our students and a member of their familiy. This was used as an outreach, not just for students, but also for their families [community]. It was a HUGE success!

Greenoe - CFES said...

I think what Janet said is important...we must start where the child is and move forward from there.

Anonymous said...


The mission at Cape Fear Elementary school is to prepare our students for academic success by providing a positive, optimal learning environment. We strive for our students to reach their academic potential and mature as responsible and accountable people.

Cape Fear Elementary School is a place where our students are able to question, work, learn, and reach goals. The staff is motivated to lift our students up and celebrate their strengths. We set challenging, yet attainable, goals for our students. We use a variety of teaching techniques and learning outlets (i.e. technology, small groups, inclusion, etc.) to reach ALL of our students. I believe that by using a PBS model at our school, for behavior management, encourages students to make good choices everyday and gives students the chance to receive positive feedback/celebrations for their good doings. A combination of all of these things is what makes CFES an ideal place for students to learn, grow, and succeed as students and individuals.

To PREKRPPS: I really appreciate and agree with how you included the fact that part of what your school strives to do is help your students develop into contributing members of society. I believe that it is important to reinforce to our students that they really are the future of this area... and it is important to use what they know and their strengths to give back to the area and make it a better place for future generations.

JFucili said...

At CFES our mission is to foster learning for all students to prepare them to become responsible and productive citizens in a growing global community of the
21st century.


At CFES we foster learning for all students by creating a safe and fair environment. We differentiate instruction, utilize outside resources, communicate w/ families, use PBS, and use intervention strategies to help our students reach their highest potential.

JFucili CFES said...

I agree w/ Lisa- the outreach events held at RPPS have been successful b/c they bring the family into the school in a positive way. Many of these families are only on a campus for negative reasons. These events bring families in and make the school a part of the community. Bridging school and community can only help achieve our mission to create environments where learning can take place.

marie@cfe said...

Our mission at CFE is to create a positive learning environment where students are successful.

We try to create a warm, but challenging environment to create life-long learners.

R Bogan i right about the beacon of light and the pillow!!!

Linda Eakins RPP said...

RPP Philips,Eakins,Flynn,Collins,and Hope.
1. We feel that our mission is to create a positive learning environment, where every child is given the opportunity to reach his/her learning potential.
2.We collaborate as a school to meet the individual needs of each child. Using the RTI model,we are able to better differentiate instruction to meet students needs and create a positive learning atmosphere. Through PBS, we are modeling and reinforcing positive behaviors which is creating responsible students.

Linda Eakins RPP said...

RPP Philips,Eakins,Flynn,Collins, and Hope
To JFucili
We agree that ultilizing outside resources and communicating with families will foster a more postive learning experience for both teacher and student. Everything we do as teachers, is done in an effort to help each child reach their highest potential.

TLaBor@CFE said...

The mission of our school is to provide all students with the tools and knowledge they need to be successful now and in the future, regardless of their background or deficits.

Our school does many things to ensure our mission is fulfilled. Teachers at our school are dedicated and highly qualified. Support staff steps into any role necessary to enable teachers to have the time and help they need so that students can meet academic goals. We have many strategies for intervention, such as computer lab remediation, classroom intervention time, and an SST team, so that at-risk students can be successful.

My response is to Bogan at RPP. A mission of student success is very valuable. If students don’t experience success early and often, the tendency is to give up. Students can be put on the path to success at an early age just from starting at the level where they are, allowing them to show success, and then they can grow from there.

TLaBor@CFE said...

The mission of our school is to provide all students with the tools and knowledge they need to be successful now and in the future, regardless of their background or deficits.

Our school does many things to ensure our mission is fulfilled. Teachers at our school are dedicated and highly qualified. Support staff steps into any role necessary to enable teachers to have the time and help they need so that students can meet academic goals. We have many strategies for intervention, such as computer lab remediation, classroom intervention time, and an SST team, so that at-risk students can be successful.

My response is to Bogan at RPP. A mission of student success is very valuable. If students don’t experience success early and often, the tendency is to give up. Students can be put on the path to success at an early age just from starting at the level where they are, allowing them to show success, and then they can grow from there.

Amigo, Chapman, Cottrill, Lassiter said...

Our mission is to prepare Rocky Point students to live a productive life in the 21st century as an actively contributing member of society. A couple of examples of things our school is doing to relate to this mission is trying to provide technology throughout the school to make it more available to students and teachers, and the creation and consistency of our recycling program.

Stephanie Cioffi said...

Ann Johnson, Mandy Harrell, Mary Younginer, Donna Redinger, Stephanie Cioffi, Allycen Garner, Ashley Purgeson, Joanne Kingston, Ashley Blake

Chapter 7
Our mission at RRP is to provide a nurturing, safe environment that lays the foundation of their educational career.

-RTI group
-Imagine It
-Character Development
-Engaging Family Events: Cinderella Ball and Boys Night Out
-PBS (Positive Behavior Support)

We agree with Hardee in that we set and expect high expectations for our students and use all available resources and personnel to achieve our goals at RPP.

Amigo, Chapman, Cottrill, Lassiter said...

CFE Tait

We agree with your mission statement as it goes hand-in-hand with the VISION statement we have stated in Chapter 8's response.

Quad - Payne, Bahlmann, Mills, Holmes, Adams, Moore said...

As many of the postings have already articulated, we feel that our mission is to help the children be successful, both academically and within society.
We are trying every different way we can think of to accomplish this from teaching the overall academic content, to meeting each student where he/she is academically, to supporting them socially as they ineract with peers and adults, to talking through issues they might be having, and to involving parents and guardians.

We like what Tracey Podolinsky said about the variety of recognitions for the children as part of their postivie behavior support. It allows students to have mulitple opportunities for in-school success - not just academically. What wonderful, tangible ways to encourage and support our children!

Chris said...

Our mission is to provide every student with the chance to become productive members of an ever changing 21rst century society.

We do this by differentiating instruction for ability levels, by integrating technology where appropriate, and by teaching crosss curriculum. For example, the art, music and PE teachers here over the last three years have organized and presented a multicultural dance unit which the classroom teachers have addressed in their curriculums.

Chris said...

In response to Bogan, I love the word "simple". Too often, we try to add the "educationalese" to a concept that just becomes a mess of words that nobody cares to understand. Put it simply, like Bogan does. We want our students to be successful. Beautiful.

Havens_CFES said...

1. The mission of CFES is to provide a safe, positive learning environment for ALL students. We want them to be active in their learning. We prepare them for the future.

2. The things we do to relate to our mission is provide a variety of learning environments that will meet the needs of each child. With EC inclusion, our teams make sure that the Exceptional Children are exposed to the curriculum and also grow socially with their peers. For those EC students that just need MORE, we have pull out groups. For the school at large, we have programs/resources such as AR, AM, remediation, CARE team, and even clubs that reach learners at THEIR levels.

Havens_CFES said...

To Bogan_RPP:

You are right, we are the light in these kids lives. Many of our children never see a smile unless it comes from us at school. The only meal they have is provided within our walls. And to see them grow, makes all the other "blah, blah, blah" seem trivial.

Oh, and Rebecca, you're comment also makes me think of this.....
"I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess insiiiide. Give them a sense of pride..." I hope I made you laugh!!!! But that song REALLY did get stuck in my head! :)

Katherine/CFE said...

1. Our mission at Cape Fear Elementary is to provide a safe, caring and positive learning environment for all students. We want our students to become responsible citizens and active learners. It's our ultimate goal to teach our students to become life-long learners!

2. Our mission is followed through by teacher collaboration, discovery learning and risk taking, friendly learning environments, and continued encouragement to each and every student.

Katherine/CFE said...

My comment is to Bogan at RPP - you almost brought tears to my eyes. We should all take a step back sometime and think - how am I following through with our Mission 'right now?' I can recall many nights putting my head on my pillow, tossing and turning, thinking of some of my students and what they might be doing and thinking at this very moment. My heart and love for teaching is forever with my students - even the ones I don't teach. I love them all, yes it's true :), and I will make it my mission to give them the ultimate learning experience and the encouragement and love they so desire!

Maria and Gordan said...

Our mission here @RPP is to provide all students with a successful educational experience, no matter what their cultural or economic background is. We provide students with support in becoming productive and successful citizens in society.

The staff works hard to ensure that all our RPP babies are successful. We differentiate instuction to meet our students' needs and make learning fun and relevant to the child. With our ESL students we make learning language fun. At this moment we are hatching chicks which brings about the excitement for reading about chicks, writing daily in their journals and learning about the different continents that a certain breed originated from. Students discuss the daily changes that occur in a chicken's lifecycle. We encoporate math skills as well create a positive language learning environment.

We agree with Tiffany that having special events outside of school provides a fun learning experience.

Anonymous said...

CFE Tanya said...
I think that our mission is providing support for our learners. Support for their learning styles, academic levels, emotional needs, etc. Giving this support to our students make education more accessible for all.

Tiffany has a lot of good points about making a positive environment

Unknown said...

The mission of our schoolis to engage each student to their fullest potential by providing them with a safe risk free environment. The real accomplishment is when we are able to nuture and devlop their desire to continue to learn when they leave us.

Unknown said...

We are in the process of growing technologically and provide the students with 21st advantages. We abide by the PBS model to develop good character and habits that will benefit the students for a lifetime. I agree with Janet Ensign at RPP in the goal of tapping their potential.That will be the key to futre desire to continue to learn.
Susie CFE

Dees said...

Everyone agrees that the mission of our school is to ensure that each and every student achieves success. This is what we want for our children. We work every day to see that this happens.We want our students to be happy, productive members of society.

We remediate, accelerate, and differentiate instruction. We reward positive behavior and redirect negative behavior.

Dees said...

I agree with Ms. Ensign that each child should learn to the best of his/her ability, and succeed to their greatest potential.

Dees said...

I agree with Ms. Ensign that our mission is to ensure that our children learn to the best of their ability and to succeed to their greatest potential.

wood@cfe said...

Our mission is to equip students with the skills necessary to be life long learners and productive citizen.
We set high expectations(academic and behavior) for our students, and we guide them as they work toward their goals. We hold students accountable for their performance and their actions, and we also give them the necessary support based on their needs. We are also the positive role models that so many of these children need. We let students know that we believe in them, even if no one else does.
I agree with the 2nd grade teachers when they said that we should remember to include the parents as resources. We need to tap into their interests, insight, and support that they can provide.

Sutton @ CFE said...

Our mission is to provide a learning environment that promotes growth academically, as well as, personally.

Our school provides a large variety of resources (both programs and people) to help our students grow and experience success both academically and personally.

To CarolynRPP, we also meet every child at their level and work with them to do whatever is necessary to help them experience that success and growth. I think that is so important.

Cecilia Mattocks said...

Our mission is to create a safe, positive environment where students can learn to the best of their abilities.

What do we do to make this mission statement happen? Focus all that we do on meeting the needs of all our students. I know this is an over simplification, but to me it just cuts to the basics. Knowing each student and teaching where they are at to enable them to grow and be successful takes a lot of hard work and constantly learning new methods and trying new strategies, but again, it comes down to knowing and meeting the needs of the students no matter what.

Cecilia Mattocks said...

I really like what RPP Brogan said..... W pray. We pray and we work. If we do that we will be successful!

Bender CFE said...

The mission of our school is to provide a safe learning environment where students can start to prepare for life in a 21st Century world. This means giving students opportunities to formulate their own opinions and solve problems in a variety of ways that meet every students learning style.

I believe CFE is trying to gravitate towards this constructivist approach but our multiple choice testing cloud looms overhead causing constant road blocks. Can our mission ever really be carried out the way it is intended with the haze of data collecting????

Anonymous said...

J. Hieronymus - CFES

The mission of our school is to give each child an equal opportunity to learn. We must teach them what they need to know in order to be a productive member of society. We do this by giving our best and doing whatever it takes to help our students achieve their goals. We adjust our teaching to student's ability so that they learn in whatever way works best for them.

Unknown said...

Hieronymus - CFES

I agree with Mrs. Hardee that we need to create a positive learning environment in order for students to be successful. Setting those high expectations and expecting student to be accountable for their learning and actions will help students feel good about themselves, in turn working hard to achieve their academic and social goals.

Miranda @ CFE said...

The mission of our school is to provide a comprehensive education that will assist all students in acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners.

Our school has a long list of things to accomplish this mission. We are constantly developing programs or systems to meet the needs of each group of students as they change from year to year. We are updating technology by installing mimios and reexamining current technologies to see if they still benefit the students and teachers. We provide the students with real life experiences by bringing community partners into the school and clubs help develop the student's interests.

miranda @ cfe said...

I like what Janet Ensign reminds about childhood being a wonderful journey. We are blessed to have a part of so many children's lives.

Harrison CFE said...

1)The mission at Cape Fear Elementary School is one that ensures an education for each and every student that walks into our doors. We work together as a staff planning together and learning new things that will instill success in our students.

2)As I stated, my school plans together. Reading teachers collaborate with each other (when time allows) to make sure that we have covered all of the objectives that we need to cover as well as share ideas. I think it is great that we all work together and that is what makes us a successful school and the bond that we have.

Harrison CFE said...

RPP Bogan

I love the positive note on your post. We ARE the beacon of light and we are so blessed to be able to touch these students' lives!

Todd O-CFE said...

In my own words our mission to is to give children opportunities to be successful and help them learn to educate and think for themselves while enouraging great character and itegrity.

What I am doing to make this happen is to give 100% to my kids and every kid in the building that I have contact with. I try to be a good role model for all students, in the hopes that they can look up to me. I truly want to help them but I also want to motivate them to want to learn for and help themselves.

Todd O-CFE said...

"It's important to use all our best strategies, good humor, and creative efforts for these young ones come to us with very different needs, expreiences, and learning styles." Janet Ensign

I totally agree with Janet's statement because all of our kids are so diverse, we have to pull all of the tricks out of the bag to make a positive impact!

KEppsCFE said...

1.Express the mission of your school in your own words.

Our Mission statement means that we must involve everyone, parents, students, staff, and all other stake holders to create a successful and productive student.

2.What are things that your school is doing that relate to this mission?
At CFE we are constantly trying to involve our parents in activities, promote growth within our students, invite our stake holders in, and create a meaningful learning environment.

CFEWilliams said...

The mission of CFE is to provide a positive and inviting place for students, parents, and staff. The support staff members provide to students is evident in minimal major behavior issues, as well as academic success. Remediation, tutoring, and small group opportunites offer students the skills and practice they need to be successful in the classroom. Opening our doors to parents for family nights, awards assemblies, and parenting workshops aids in creating relationships between school and home that are vital for student success. Finally, collaboration between teachers and the support we provide each other makes coming to work so much more enjoyable and offers staff members a feeling of relief and success as well.

KEpps @ CFE said...

Bogan at RPP...
I love how you said "We are the beacon of light that these kids see each day and we can set our heads on our pillows each night knowing that we do make a difference." We should be a light for our children.

CFEWilliams said...

I really like what Tiffany Smith said about providing a positive educational experience for all, no matter their background or ability. I think it's so important to make school (especially at the elementary level) a positive place for all students because we are setting the standard for these children's opinions and feelings about school.